Ft. Smith Arkansas
Meteorological Calculator
Thanks to Ron Murphy, NWS Birmingham, AL for writing the JavaScript

Windchill Calculation
Enter in the air temperature (Tair) in degrees Fahrenheit and wind speed in mph, then click on the Calculate WC to compute the windchill (WC).
Tair mph
More information about the windchill equation.

Relative Humidity Calculation
Enter in the air temperature (Tair) and dew point temperature (Tdp) in degrees Fahrenheit (oF) then click on the Calculate RH to compute the relative humidity (RH).
Tair Tdp

Temperature Conversion
Enter a number then click on the appropriate number to see the result.
(o F)
(o C)

Heat Index Calculation
Enter in the air temperature (Tair) in degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity (RH) in percent (without the % sign), then click on the Calculate HI to compute the heat index (HI).
Tair RH Tdp=
Tair Tdp RH=
More information about the heat index equation.


Last Updated:Tuesday, December 12, 2000 11:51:35